As we do every summer, After School Matters is presenting programs for teens across Chicago, offering opportunities to tap into their passions and develop skills which will help them in college and beyond – all while receiving a financial stipend for participation. While this summer’s programs will look a little different, with all our programs operating remotely, this offers teens the opportunity to participate in any of our programs, with no concern about geographic location.
We want to ensure every young person in Chicago is able to participate in engaging programs over the summer despite the unusual circumstances we’re facing. Our programs start July 6 and run through August 15.
Our summer application is now open online and we ask your assistance in sharing this information with your constituents through your newsletter and social media. They can access the application here:
Teens can apply to a wide variety of programs including culinary arts, fashion design, drawing, dance, or coding. Young people will have the opportunity to collaborate and create with other teens and professional instructors and earn a stipend at the same time.
Thank you for helping to support Chicago teens! #ASMTogether.