Jesse White Announces Expired Driver’s Licenses and ID Cards Extended Until Feb. 1, 2021
White continues to encourage online services
Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White announced that expiration dates for driver’s licenses and ID cards have been extended an additional three months – from Nov. 1, 2020, until Feb. 1, 2021. This new Feb. 1 extension also includes those who have October, November, December and January expiration dates. As a result, expired driver’s licenses and ID cards will remain valid until Feb. 1, 2021, so customers do not need to rush into Driver Services facilities during the pandemic.
“Extending expiration dates until February 1 means people with an expired driver’s license and ID card do not need to visit a Driver Services facility immediately,” said White. “During this pandemic, we continue to think creatively to serve the public as efficiently as possible, while making public health and safety our top priority.”
License plates stickers remain extended until Nov. 1, 2020, as they can easily be renewed online.
White continues to urge the public to consider using online services when possible instead of visiting a facility due to heavy customer volume. Customers who can conduct business online may go to to take advantage of online services – such as renewing license plate stickers, obtaining a duplicate driver’s license or ID card, obtaining a driving record abstract or renewing a standard driver’s license through the Safe Driver renewal program – from the comfort of their own home. People who conduct online transactions will avoid waiting in line at a facility.
White recently extended the driver’s license expiration date by one year for qualified drivers age 75 and older. The new expiration date is their birthday in 2021.
For those customers who must visit a facility, face masks are required. In addition, customers are asked to be patient due to heavy volume and to be prepared to wait outside in various types of weather. This is due to social distancing, which limits the number of people inside a facility at one time.
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